The Goal of Honoring

Honoring distinguished research at the International Conference of Translation aims to:

  • Encourage researchers and create a scientific competition among them in order to provide scientific research papers and studies.
  • Study further important topics related to multilingual and specialized translation.
  • Develop languages and translation mechanisms and curricula, identify challenges faced by translators and propose appropriate solutions.
  • Improve languages and translation pedagogy in universities
  • Promote languages and translation in the fields of science, knowledge, majors, professions, technologies, modern industries, trade and other vital fields.
  • Enhance the quality in the field of languages and translation.
  • The honoring also aims to encourage innovation, development and modernization in the languages and translation field through modern research papers that increase the productivity of linguists and translators from/into the national language.


  • All research papers, studies, worksheets and projects submitted for discussion at the Conference are subject to a prior evaluation.
  • Research and working papers submitted to the Conference are classified according to their topics.
  • Before evaluation, research papers are subject to a second classification by experts according to internal standards and guidelines.
  • Research papers are sorted according to the highest score, and then sent to external judges accredited by the Conference.
  • Upon their return from the independent judges, reports will be evaluated and submitted to the Honors Committee in order to choose the distinguished research papers.


At the closing ceremony, the Conference honors the best ten research papers, and winners are granted a Certificate of Excellence. A financial reward may be granted if there is a sponsor for this valuable prize.